Sunday, October 17, 2010

Toronto Marathon & Post Update

 I was having a nice sleep-in Sunday morning.
Our window was open letting the cool brisk air in.
The kind that makes you snuggle under the covers but isn't too cold.

There was noise outside. A WOO-HOO being yelled.
I rolled over & looked out the window and it is another beautiful sunny day.
But it sounded like it was raining. Pouring actually.
I got up to look out the window.....I forgot that today was the Toronto Marathon.
All the feet on the pavement sounded like rain.

It was 8:30am and there was a constant stream of runners running south on Yonge Street.
It is one of the advantages of living on Yonge Street. 
We do get to see some pretty amazing events.
Along with the Marathon, there is a Motorcycle Rally that passes by once a year.
It is truly an amazing site.

Back to the Marathon.
I took Crockett outside to watch from the front step.
The 1st batch of folks that went by were the Half Marathoners
We live just over 5 kms from the start so we get a good bunch of people in packs.
There were runners young and old. Teenagers to Seniors.
There were even some power walkers.

There was alot of The Running Room fashions on the side of the road,
tossed off when overdressed runners got too warm.
There was even one male runner wearing no top, just a pink bra,
honoring a loved one stricken with Breast Cancer no doubt.

The crowd thinned, there were the folks pulling up the rear, walking.
Then the van with the flashing lights followed the last person.
She was walking with her head high obviously proud of her accomplishment thus far.

Then, like a flash of light, a runner flew by.
He was running. Running FAST. Faster than Forrest Gump.
He was also in real marathon attire.
He was the leader for the full marathon.
When I came back in I looked him up online.
His name is Daniel Njenga and he is from Kenya.
He won the Toronto Marathon in 2008 in 2:29:02, collapsing at the finish.
He was at least 1 minute ahead of the runner in 2nd place today.
I hope he wins again.

It's 10:40am now & all the excitement in front of my window has ended.
Adam and Crockett are behind me in deep sleep, both snoring.
I can hear the radio in the kitchen on Classical 96.3FM,
my coffee cup is empty and the day is ahead of me.
What do I want to do? Relax, lounge about and eat bon-bons.
What I need to do?  Laundry.

Daniel did not win. He didn't finish.
The male winner was Brandon Laan.
The female winner was Nathalie Goyer.
The Toronto Marathon is a Boston Marathon qualifier.
Today there were 17,000 participants in the
5K, Half Marathon, Marathon & Marathon Relay.
Over 7 Million Dollars raised for the Princess Margaret Hospital.

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