Monday, October 11, 2010

The Thanksgiving Turkey That Wasn't

I went to visit my parents yesterday for Thanksgiving.
The weather was absolutely beautiful.
The Subway/Bus ride there was nice - I read my book.

The Turkey my Mom bought was not huge, it was medium/small, but
really a perfect size for two senior citizens, a transitioning vegetarian and enough
to bring some home for Adam to have a Turkey Sandwich.

We figured it'd need just under 2 hours to cook & sit.
Along with the Turkey, I learned how to and made homemade stuffing.
It was to go nicely with the Mashed Potato, steamed Carrots and Broccoli and
Cranberry Sauce.

A few times as we were making muffins before putting in the
Turkey we looked at it and commented on how small it was.
Like maybe it was too young to have been killed.

I asked my mom to cut off the bum flap.
She said it was the neck, but it was on the wrong end.
Again, we commented how odd this all was. 

We put it in the oven.
When it came out as scheduled, there was ALOT of drippings.
My Mom cut into it & said,  " This isn't cooked. "
I got up & looked at it & the meat looked reddish grey.
That's when my Mom said, " It's a Duck! "
I bent down & smelled it and agreed, " It's a Duck! "
It was a cute little Duck bum flap, not a neck!

There is a park with a stream near my parents place where
we go to watch & feed the Ducks.
We don't eat Ducks!
Of all days to have not taken my camera with me!

So, we needed a protein to go with our Feast of Thanks.
We made Scrambled Eggs!
They went very nicley with the Cranberry Sauce.

Our feast ended with delicious Pumpkin Pie & fresh Whipped Cream.

Needless to day, my Mom is going to go back to Loblaws and share this tale and
tell them they labelled Ducks as Turkeys.  I wonder how many phone calls/visits they'll get.

I felt sad for the Duck.
It was born, fed, slaughtered, plucked, shipped, packaged, cooked
and then thrown down a garbage chute.
I'd never thrown away a whole cooked bird/duck like that before.
It felt like it deserved a burial. I was sad.
It was yet another nudge from the Universe telling me that my
choice/goal to ultimately not eat meat is a good one for me.

I am Thankful for many things this year. Mostly that my Mom
has a great sense of humor and that although our meal didn't
turn out as planned, I still had a lovely day with my parents.

I am also full of Gratitude and am Thankful that although Adam
didn't spend the day with us, I came home to a clean spotless apartmet.
He'd spent the day cleaning & tidying - knowing that this would
make me happy and it did. It really did.
Today, we will have our own Thanksgiving......more Pumpkin Pie!

I'm a lucky girl for a bunch of reasons & I really don't need Thanksgiving day to remember them all.

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