Sunday, September 26, 2010

Just What I Needed

On Friday night, I slept better than I have in weeks.
I was at my Mom's.
My Dad was away so I spent the weekend with her.
When there, my Mommy hearing turns off.
I don't have kids, but I do have Mommy hearing.

The phone rang early Saturday morning and I didn't even hear it!
If you've seen the movie Mother with Albert Brooks, I, like Albert's character, cannot spend any time with my Mother at her home without my Brother calling her at least once a day.
The way in which I have chosen to deal with my dysfunctional sibling relationship is to not deal with my dysfunctional sibling relationship.
I have an excellent argument/life case study in regards to Nature vs. Nurture.

At home in the city, any small noise wakes me up.
Any movement by Adam or Crockett in the night and I check to make sure they're ok.
Tap is dripping, I hear it. Guy in the apt above tinkles in the night, I hear it.
When I'm sleeping within 20 feet of my Mom...magic slumber.

I ran some errands for my Mom on Saturday.
The sky was creepy and beautiful.
Believe it or not, it didn't rain.

Saturday night we had Lamb Curry for dinner. 
We discussed why it's good to be a vegetarian, and how awful it is to eat a cute little lamb.
My mother said it was especially difficult when she was in England to eat Lamb and then on the way home from the Pub, see them all grazing on the hills.
I will admit, it was a good meal and one I would only eat if prepared by my Mother.
I have never purchased and cooked Lamb myself. Couldn't do it.

My Mom making Lamb Curry
At home, I am a Pescetarian on my journey to becoming a Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian.
It is a process and I accept that, until I am fully transitioned and eating a full well balanced vegetarian diet, I will on occasion, eat meat.

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