Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Last 24 Hours Or So

I took a vacation day yesterday in hopes that the weather would still be above seasonal.  I'd planned for Adam & I to take a nice long walk along the trail to Sunnybrook.  When I woke up, it was raining.

As my plans were not able to be put into action, I hopped on the train & went to Mississauga to hang with my parents and do a bit of grocery shopping. It is CRAZY the difference in food prices from my neighborhood here in Toronto & Port Credit.  Crockett's food alone is a $0.40 difference per can for the exact same item!

Why are my Dad's hands in his pockets?  Don't know. Pretty intense glare. I don't think I'd done or said anything wrong!

This is taken from my parents balcony.  I used to live in the circled building on the Lakeshore in Port Credit, on the 17th floor facing North. My parents & I could exchange light signals if need be.  I moved to Toronto when I met my beloved.  I miss Port Credit. It is as close to home as I've felt since I left Dorval.  Plus, the lake and parks and shopping are great.  You can walk to everything and it still has that village feel. There's a library, arena, everything you need.  Port Credit is a little piece of heaven within Mississauga.  I want to move back there.  We had the opportunity to get an apartment in my old bldg on the 17th floor again, facing South...the lake!  Perfection!  The sunlight alone is worth it.  My beloved does not want to move. He wants to stay in Toronto. He dislikes high rises. He doesn't like cookie cutter square apartments with parquet floors.  Crap. This is truly the biggest compromise I've had to make in my married life.  He has said that he would  move to Port Credit if we can find an apartment similar to what we have here. The search is on.

 Lady sitting comfortably in chair talking on the phone.  Man in the kitchen doing dishes.  What is this magic?

My brother came out to my parents place this morning. He bought them some goodies from Costco and a big plant.  Score for me, I got a lift home.  My brother looks like he belongs in The Matrix.

When I got home I grabbed Crockett to go for a walk. My 1st stop was to get a cup of coffee.  When I came out of the store, Crockett had company.

Happy Pug sniffing trees. Happy Mommy sipping coffee.  The blue nail polish is a Capitol color.  I got it in anticipation of seeing The Hunger Games this weekend!

The tops of these trees are alive with song.  The birds are happy as can be today and they're doing what they need to do before the rain starts.

Walking with purpose and joy.

This made me think of The Beatles.  They should have written a song about a Pug surrounded by flowers.

I truly feel that Crockett is happiest when out for walks.  I swear he is smiling!

Now, it is time for me to go poke the bear and have a cuddle.  I want my husband to get out of bed and take me out on a date to see a movie.