Saturday, March 17, 2012

Crockett and the Birds

Our Crockett is a sweet loving Pug who likes to go on walks in the park, sleep, eat, take baths, cuddle, get his belly tickled, and rub his face into pillows.  He also likes Birds.

If we are indoors and he hears birds chirping from outside, on TV or in movies, he barks. When we are actually outside, he doesn't bark. He listens and he sniffs.

This 1st video I took of our walk this morning is a perfect example of that.

This second video, he was too interested in tinkling on the trees, but the Birds this morning sounded so happy. It made me happy.

I also saw the 1st hints of Spring today.

A delivery of mulch for the flower beds.

I saw my first and second Robin of the season, at the same time.

Some shots of green popping up here and there.