Saturday, November 26, 2011


I agree with Adam that I have built up an immunity
to OTC headache medication.
I have a prescription from my MD to take
if the OTC drugs don't work but it makes
me nauseous and sometimes vomit.
It's a double whammy when I have a massive 
eye pressure headache and I vomit.
I kneel there in the washroom over the throne
asking God to take me. It's brutal.

Last night when I got home from work, Adam 
went & did the groceries while I spent some
cuddle time with Crockett.
As I was uploading the clip of him onto
YouTube, I got too comfy & fell asleep.
I woke up a few times to complain to Adam that he 
and/or Crockett were making too much noise.

Unfortunately I stayed asleep until this morning.
Unfortunate because I didn't put in my mouth guard
and I must have spent the whole night dreaming
and grinding my teeth.  The second I woke up
this morning, tears started to flow as my headache was unbearable.
It feels as though my eyes are in a vice, I've been punched in the jaw
and hit smack dab in the middle of my face with a shovel.

I crept out of bed and sat in a too hot bath hoping the steam
and heat would make me feel better.
I took 2 Tension Headache Excedrin and well, they did nothing.
I refilled the tub a few times and pretty much kept my head
underwater with just my nose poking out.

Rather than let this ruin my day, I decided to suffer and 
go outside as Crockett needed a walk.
I asked Adam to come with me in case I had an 
aneurysm crossing the street.
It is 10 degrees outside and absolutely
a perfect day for dog walking.
I really enjoyed the walk with my 2 boys.

As I turned on the computer, I took 2 more Excedrin
and I no longer have piercing pain, just a dull ache.

Here's my walk photos.