Wednesday, January 9, 2013

A Really Big Day. A Promise To Myself. POST EDIT

Today is a really big day for me.  Really really big baby steps. I am giving up 2 things.  One is amongst my most favourite things and the other is just something I drink because it's there.

Coffee and Diet Coke.

Yes, I've said it.  I've written it down both here on my blog & also on my calendar. If I can't keep promises I make to myself, then I'm a pretty sorry beast.

I am doing this for several reasons but the main reason that trumps them all is health.  I have had a few health issues as of late.  The primary being heart palpitations.  I spent 48 hours over the Christmas Holidays with sensors taped to my boozies and a Hollster Monitor tucked into my bra.

I will be doing research and reading and making some significant lifestyle changes.  Of course I know that stress and anxiety are my main enemies but caffeine is also a biggie.  I am allowing myself to continue to have 2 cups of tea a day for now because I can make them very weak.  The goal is to one day replace caffeine with herbal teas. I also think that more often than not, I am dehydrated because I just don't drink enough water.

There are many reasons and causes for palpitations but let me tell you, for me,when they occur, they are terrifying and frightening.  My neck goes tight, I can feel me heart beating in my chest and poof, it skips a beat.  Scary.

Post Edit Jan 18'12

Ok....I went a week without Coffee and Diet Coke. I was fine. No headaches, no caffeine withdrawal because I was still drinking Tea.  Due to the lack of any other beverage in the house and not wanting any more water or Tea, I had a soda.  I have had a few sodas but nowhere near as many as I used to drink.

I've gone back to coffee as well, but only 1 in the morning & a medium instead of a large.

I haven't had any heart palpitation episodes in the last week or so, so it's all good.

I haven't quit 100% but I've made significant changes and I'm drinking more water.  I'm taking this as a win.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

While I am not going to give up Diet Coke, I am committed to changing our life and getting healthy. We are going to do this together.

I love you.
