Saturday, February 25, 2012

Some Answers - Part I

Back on Dec 4'11, I posted an article from one of my 
 I am going to start answering those questions.

1. In one sentence, who are you? 
I am a wife, a daughter, a mother to a Pug, and a work in progress.

2. Why do you matter?
For a while I really felt as though I didn't and on a global scale, I don't really. I do however realize that I am incredibly lucky knowing that I mean the world to one person and one person means the world to me.  I matter because Adam loves me.  I matter because I love Adam. I matter because my family loves me.  I matter because Crockett loves me. That's more than enough reasons.

3. What is your life motto?
I do not have a life motto.

4. What’s something you have that everyone wants?
Everyone wants different things.  The one thing I am most proud of is my marriage.

5. What is missing in your life?
Physical fitness and recreation.

6. What’s been on your mind most lately?
My health.  Having my Mom hurt herself and need to rely on people for things for a short period of time made me realize 2 things;  1. I need to be healthy so I can look after my loved ones if they need it. 2. I need to be healthy so my loved ones won't have to look after me. 

7. Happiness is a ________?

8. What stands between you and happiness?
Even though I suffer from Clinical Depression and can have awful dreadful days, I can still find happiness.  For me, happiness can be the sound of Adam laughing, Crockett barking in his sleep, a bright blue sky with bright white clouds, a phone call from my Mom, reading a good book or watching a favourite film.  It’s harder some days than others, but happiness can be found.

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