Monday, October 6, 2014

Around Here

A few weeks ago I felt like I needed a break.  I was tired. Too tired. It's difficult for me this time of year when the daylight hours reduce and I leave home in the dark.

More than usual, my commutes have been hellish. Traffic delays, lane closures, TTC delays and service disruptions. Rude people, ignorant people, smelly people, loud people, too many people.

Leaving home at 6:30am and getting home between 6:30 - 7:00pm. 8 hours at the office and 4+ hours to and from is enough to make anyone a bit tired so, I booked a week vacation.

The day I decided this I received a call from Adam advising we'd be going up to Keswick to visit his Dad during the 1st weekend of my vacation.  It was the perfect way to start my vacation, a trip out of this loud, noisy, busy city!

We spent the weekend with great company, 2 lovely dogs, good food, fresh air, and a deep deep sleep.  My Father-In-Law put us up at the Inn on the Lake, on Cook's Bay of Lake Simcoe.  I was so excited to see the sunset and the stars without the city lights but the fresh air got to us city folk, and we were both asleep and snoring by 9pm.

We woke up before the sun and were able to enjoy the sunrise. The sound of Geese was soothing and a few "morning's" were exchanged with early morning walkers with their nordic poles.

There was a speed boat off in the distance and I heard a few bangs. I thought it was the echo of the boat hitting the water, but no, it was the opening day of duck season. Thankfully I only heard a few shots. 

What I haven't mentioned is that the Friday night before my vacation started and before we headed up to Keswick, I had a sore throat and some head congestion.  It was a slight irritant during the day Saturday, and a nuisance overnight. Sunday day it kicked me in the face, and by the time we got home late Sunday afternoon, I started feeling feverish and achy.

I knew I needed a break, I didn't know it was my body telling me to prepare for a whopper of a cold.  Although it wasn't how I'd planned to spend my vacation, there was a huge sense of relief that I could rest and get bet better without stressing about work. 

When I woke up Tuesday, Adam was coughing, achy, and had a sore throat. I passed this on to my loving husband and I knew I had more than just a cold.  Hearing the wheezes and whistles that sang out of my lungs, not being able to get rid of the congestion in my chest, and having a blocked right ear, I knew I had to go to the MD.

I was diagnosed with a severe case of bronchitis and an ear infection.  Given antibiotics and a puffer and told that I'd feel better in 7-10 days. Having previously had pneumonia, bronchitis is something to be taken seriously. I guess the ear infection was a bonus.

The week flew by in a daze of kleenex, Buckley's caplets, extended naps, tea with honey, and chicken soup. I've drank more water this past week than the whole previous month.

When Sunday came around, I knew I still wasn't 100% so I booked off 2 more days and will go back to work Wednesday.

As much as I was sick, the time home with Adam, and the rest was exactly what I needed. I wish I could stay home and hibernate until April, but life goes on and I have to get back to reality.

I feel better today than yesterday and am happy that with Thanksgiving coming up on Monday, I'll have a short week and then 3 more days to rest.

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