Saturday, December 21, 2013

Crockett's New Boots

I FINALLY got some boots for Crockett that I can get on his feet without a 20 minute production. They're called all weather Muttluks. They take 5 minutes to get on & he doesn't get worked up or stressed at all.

I did take video of him walking with them that made Adam & I laugh out loud, but we were in our jammies and no one needs to see that!

He got the hang of it after a bit but would still every one in a while stop, extend a leg, and look at me with a wtf expression.

It took him a few tries to successfully do steps without tripping himself up.  These boots are PERFECT and have given Crockett his walks back.  Being on a major street, the second we step out onto the sidewalk, it is covered with salt.  Good for me, bad for pug paws.