Saturday, June 30, 2012

Hot Lazy Dreamy Saturday

Happy Birthday Gayle!

Had a bit of a sleep in today.  It was one of those mornings where I woke up at my usual time & started to panic that my alarm didn't go off & that I'd be late for work. That was followed by a few moments of confusion.  Then I remembered what I'd done yesterday and that today was in fact, Saturday.

When I went back to sleep, I had many wonderful dreams.  I've always been a dreamer. I even dream of the same places more than once that exist nowhere but in my dreams.  I try to relay them to Adam as soon as I wake up before the dissipate.

If our bed wasn't so uncomfortable and I didn't have a Pug waiting to go outside, I would have been happy to dream away this Saturday.

I dragged my achy body out of bed, put Crockett's leash on him, grabbed a toonie for a cup of coffee and out we went.  It was hot with a warm wind.  Once I got my coffee at the corner shop, we went across the street into the Parkette and sat on a bench in the shade.

Here are our photos.

In a small tree right across the street from our apartment I heard a bird chirping.  It was a Mama Bird guarding her babies.  On our way home, Mama was gone & 2 little heads were poking out of the nest.  I didn't want to get too close.  I was so disappointed as I took 1 photo of them with their little beaks open waiting for food & when I looked back at the photo, I only got the bottom of the nest.

Crockett having a drink of water. There is a water fountain in the Parkette so I always grab 2 cups when I get my coffee from the corner shop.   He was such a patient sweet lovely dog this morning.  He just sat there & let me enjoy the sky.  His cough is also getting better so he doesn't sound like a honking goose on our walks.

This was the sky as it changed during our sit down on the bench.  Each taken about 4 minutes apart pointing straight up. There was a warm breeze and the sky was moving pretty fast.  I have all the confidence that tomorrow will be a beautiful sunny day as it always is every year for Toronto's amazing Pride Parade!

Happy Pride!!

I wish everyone a safe happy Canada Day long weekend.

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