Saturday, August 31, 2013

Humid Overcast Saturday

We've had very humid weather again for the past few days. Sadly for me it is headache inducing.  I took Thursday & Friday off work for an extra-long long weekend.

I had my MRI on Thursday morning.  I only moved once but it was still scary as hell for me. I have my follow up with the Neuro-Ophthamologist next week so I hope he can figure out what happened and what is wrong with my eyes.  I no longer have double vision but they haven't gone back to normal.  It is the hardest thing to try to explain.  All I can say to anyone is, don't take your eyesight for granted.  Don't take anything for granted for that matter.

Hopefully it's going to rain this afternoon & take some of the humidity with it.  It's too hot for pugs outside today so we only had a short walk in the park. Today, I feel it in my bones, is going to be a lazy day.