Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Photo A Day - Bedtime Routine

I don't have a bedtime routine. If I did I don't think a photo of any of it would appropriate. No one needs to see me brush my teeth, plug in my phone to charge, or cocoon myself in my comforter.

I have a husband who is a night owl. If I fall asleep on the couch watching TV (which happens if I lay down), he leaves me there.

I'm lucky in that I can fall asleep anywhere and within seconds of my head hitting the pillow.

I try to be in bed no later that 11pm. I'd like to be in bed fast asleep at 10pm but that just never happens.

Almost every Friday night, I crash after my work week and fight to keep my eyes open after 9pm.

As a grown up with free will, I go to bed when I'm tired.

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