Monday, May 14, 2012


Something incredibly peculiar happened to me today as I ate my lunch and I’m happy about it.

I should start by saying that for years, for ethical and health benefits, I have wanted to become vegetarian.  I have tried but have not stuck to it. The fault is mine. I just didn’t have enough knowledge. It’s easy to say, “don’t eat meat”, but I have nut allergies so it adds to my limitations.

The time of year is also a factor as I am a winter comfort food addict.  Spring however, is almost the perfect time to change a diet.  There are so many more fruits and vegetables available at better prices and nothing is better than buying produce at the farmers market that is fresher than fresh.

So, here’s my story.  I was at my desk and I started eating my lunch that included some chicken.  It didn’t have any seasonings or dressing, it was just plain chicken and it tasted just like chicken.  As I chewed, I could hear birds chirping on the roof through the skylight.  Hearing the birds made me picture in my head a chicken walking around in the grass pecking at the ground. Then, I imagined that dear little chicken in my mouth. I felt nauseous.  The idea of eating that chicken didn’t make sense. After that mouthful I was done. I couldn't eat anymore of it.

I can say with 100% certainty that if I had to kill and skin/carve/pluck/fillet what I eat, I would NEVER eat meat or fish. Ever.  The birds chirping just hit a place in me that made it all make sense.

Last time I tried to change my diet, I made the mistake of using PETA as a resource/reference.  Don’t get me wrong, I think what PETA does makes a difference but it is also not for me.  I have a fragile soul. I am emotional and empathetic. I need good, valuable, usable information and resources that can help me become vegetarian. I don’t need to see cruelty. I know it exists and it is awful, beyond awful.

I used to donate monthly to the Toronto Humane Society. They would send me the monthly magazine that had all these awful stories of neglect and abuse.  I asked them to stop sending me the magazine and they wouldn’t. I had to cancel my donation to stop being exposed to that which affected me too much. Don’t even get me started on The Animal Planet!

I will not be the kind of person who pushes onto anyone how or what they should eat. It is such a personal choice and if a person is meant to be vegetarian or vegan, they will get there if they are meant to get there.  The Toronto Vegetarian Association seems like a good place for me to start.  Wish me luck.