Saturday, February 22, 2014


These are some of the places I have spent time online.  I don't know why my links aren't set up the way I want them to be.  Click where bold & enjoy!

Amazon wildlife photographer Charlie Hamilton James brought something special home with him.

If I had kids, they would for sure have a few of these Sesame Street prints on the bedroom walls.

Nom nom nom.  I will try this Garlic Cheddar Biscuit recipe myself one day soon.

How cool is this? Free online documentaries. Go ahead, expand you consciousness!

When I read that Kevin O'Leary thinks it's fantastic that 3.5 billion people are living in poverty, because it motivates them to look up to the 1% and say " I want to become one of those people."  It makes me angry. He needs to read this article on what poor people actually do.

I am trying to de-clutter and minimize the amount of "things" I own.  I want what I have to be meaningful and useful.  I find articles like this one helpful although, there are for sure more than just 8 things we can live without.

I love that I work from 8am-4pm as I get home early-ish from work. The only drawback is that I already have to get up earlier than the average person as I have a 90 minute commute to work.  It would be lovely if I could better take advantage of the early morning hours like this article advises.

The title says it all, 50 Quotes to Help You Let Go and Live.

Although I love tattoos and still want to get a few more, I have changed how I feel about their placement.  Being a Harry Potter admirer, some of these are adorable.

I am on board with the Tiny House movement. If I could, I would wake up tomorrow on my own piece of land in a tiny house built with my two hands.  Getting Adam on board has been a whole other thing. Of these  11 tiny houses  I wold live in #'s 2-3-4-7-8-9-11.

Being adopted and growing up where you don't look like anyone, I find Ulric Colette's work fascinating.  This project consists of photographic research on the genetic similarities between members of the same family.

I could stare at these Cinemagraphs all day. 

I wonder how I would feel if I saw a photo of a perfect Photoshopped me. It can imagine ot would be odd.

Dogs are awesome. They really are.
