Monday, September 5, 2011

A Day of Labor and Toil

I got a very slow start to the day today.
I have a huge To Do List for the day.
This labor day will be just that for me.
In order to thoroughly enjoy the rest of the week off, I need to be
in a spotless sparkling clean, not just tidy, apartment.

I have the rubber gloves ready and I know I'll have sore knees
after I clean the washroom.
It bothers me that toilets are designed to be so difficult
to get around and behind and really clean.
I think we should have Japanese squat toilets.
Much easier to clean and we'd all have much better leg muscles!

Japanese Squat Toilet.

I have already taken Crockett for a lovely long walk.
It is perfect Pug weather today.
It's cloudy & a bit windy and cool.
All the old folks are wearing their thin jackets outside today.
I didn't take my camera on the walk as I wanted to stop for a coffee.
Holding a dog leash, a camera, a coffee cup with the task
of having to pick up dog poop at some point well, I don't have enough hands!

I did pick these off a tree!
These to me are something that takes me back to
Back To School time.  When I walked to school alone
I was almost always late because of how I'd stop to
play with acorns & pick up leaves to press in wax paper.

I need to go make myself a hearty lunch and just get on with my To Do List already.

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