Saturday, October 22, 2011


5:00am  Wake up before alarm with a crippling headache.  A hit in the face with a shovel kind of pain.

5:10am  Take 2 Extra Strength Tylenol

5:11am - 5:30am  Sit on the edge of my bed with my head in my hands.

6:30am   Ready for work, about to walk out the door to catch the bus.

6:35am  Can't do it. Can't function. Head is pounding. Dizzy & nauseous.

6:40am  Leave a message for my boss, won't be in. I hate calling in sick. 

6:41am  Back in bed

11:00am  Wake up with throbbing head. Did drugs work? Wear off already?

11:05am  Took 2 more pills with a gulp of tea. Sat in the bathroom running hot water for the steam.

11:10am  Back in bed

4:30pm  Wake up with throbbing head. Did drugs work? Wear off already? Took 1 of my prescription headache pills. Adam tells me I should get out of bed.  Sit up & eat or drink something.

4:45pm  Pain so intense it makes me cry. Adam rubs my head.

5:00pm  Adam serves me a bowl of tomato soup.

5:30pm  On & off nausea, can't finish the soup.

5: 40pm  Run to the bathroom & vomit.  Feels like my eyes have popped out of my head. Want to die.

5:45pm  Brush teeth

6:30pm  Adam serves me a bowl of chicken noodle soup. I keep it down. YAY. Head still throbbing.

For the rest of the evening I sat on the couch with Adam snuggling in my dressing gown and watching movies.  I was too hot, then too cold, the too hot, then too cold. I didn't take any more drugs for fear of getting nauseous again.

When I went to bed, there was still a dull ache.

I woke up this morning the same dull ache and my eyes are very light sensitive and achy, but I don't think it's anything that a walk in the fresh air with Crockett and a warm bowl of homemade rice pudding won't cure.

I'll most likely spend the rest of the day laying on my bed, listening to classical music on a very low volume, with my winter hat down over my eyes.  It keeps my head toasty warm and the light from hitting my eyes like laser beams.  I'll look like the dumb Donald from Fat Albert, minus the eye holes!

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