Friday, November 4, 2011

Zero To Really Lovely

When I left for work this morning, the sky was dark,
I could see the stars and The Weather Network
told me the temperature was zero.

When I left the office this afternoon there was a briskness
in the air and the sun was shining.
I couldn't wait to get home & get
Crockett out before dark.

I let Crockett lead the way.
He took us on a different path.

Even though it's Fall, the park is full of color.

These are Crockett's scratch marks on the pavement.
He was trying to cover his tinkle ;)

These are FINALLY opening up.
They are late this year.

Pictures of Crockett make me smile.

The trees are thinning out.
I can see our building from the park.

This is from our front door towards the park.

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