Tuesday, November 15, 2011

PMS or Perimenopause?

Either or, it's pissing me off.
I've never suffered from PMS.
I can be bitchy and irritable any day of the month.
I hit my 40's and BOOM, strange things have
started to happen.

What is this insane need for chocolate one day
and salty snacks the next.

Why am I either too hot or too cold?
I am never just right.

Why am I getting zits?
I didn't have zits when I should've had them, 
why am I getting them now?

Why am I forgetting things?
I can no longer pull meaningless trivia out of my brain
as quickly as I used to.
I lose words.
They're on the tip of my tongue.

The worst is....why do I feel like
I'm 11 years old & my buds are just popping in.
No one better brush up to me by accident,
I just might rip their head off.
I almost want to put pillows over
the girls and strap them down with tensor bandages.

I should try and find a crazy coupon lady
who can buy me a stock pile of Pamprin.