I went out to my parents place on Saturday & spent the night.
The Subway was closed between Bloor & Union Station
which caused a rerouting delay.
It got me to Union Station 15 minutes before my
train instead of my anticipated 30 minutes.
I finally got up to the ticket counter at 3:44pm.
My train pulled out of the station at 3:43pm.
I had an hour to kill until the next train.
I grabbed a Tim's Large Double-Double, found a seat
and read my book.
I didn't win anything with my roll up the rim.
My book - fantastic so far. Really enjoying it.
When I got to Mississauga, I stopped in at the grocery store.
It is crazy how mush less the same items are in Mississsauga vs. Toronto.
This was the snow as I waited for the bus to my parents place.
It was pretty.
My Mom had a baked potato in the oven & some of my odd luck
must have transferred to her, because the potato exploded!
This was the view Sunday morning before the
wind picked up & it started to rain.
Lovely Sunday spent chatting with my Mom at the dining room table,
drinking tea and copying some of her recipes into my recipe book.

Crockett looked at me with the, "Where were you Mommy?" eyes.
He is so adorable.
I got home just in time to change into my jammies and get comfy for
the start of the Oscars.
It was also sweet that I got a nice hug & kiss upon arrival home from
Adam who said he missed me.
It feels nice to be missed.
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