Sunday, February 20, 2011

Scary Sunday

The day started out normal enough, then about 5 minutes
after Adam left to run a few errands, my computer went nuts.

It started announcing, " new virus found ".
A gazillion pop ups occurred and then a scary
scratchy sound.

I panicked.
I turned into my father & wanted to disconnect everything
in fear that my computer was being taken over.

Adam got home and was unimpressed as he walked
in the door to find the dirty dishes in the sink.
As soon as he saw my face, he knew something was amok.

I went on his computer & saw that my facebook account
had sent out a spam message to my contact's walls.
Some BS....hey check this video out.

I promptly deactivated my account, changed all passwords
and had a few hours of shear uneasiness.

I married a man who can't fix a toilet to save his life
but thank goodness, he can fix computers.

He conquered my Trojan Horses and made me feel protected.

To relieve the stress of the day, I went into the kitchen and did some baking
while I boogied to The Bee Gees Greatest Hits.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow's Family Day off.
Perfect day to recharge the internal batteries.

The view from our kitchen window this evening.

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