Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Monster Headache a Good Dream and a Nightmare

When my alarm went off this morning, I knew it wasn't going to be a good day. I had a headache. The kind where I feel as though I've been smacked in the face with a shovel and hot pins have been poking my eyes.  I was dizzy, nauseous and over sensitive to both light and noise. I took 2 pills and went back to bed.

My mind was on apparent overload today because if I was asleep I was dreaming and when awake, various random memories from my life were playing out like a movie.  They were all over the place and non-stop.

I had a good dream. I was best friends with Anderson Cooper and we were out spending the day together.  We went and had tea and Anne Hathaway was there.  It's hard to remember all the details, but it was good.

I had a nightmare.  I was in the house where I grew up and I was waiting for my parents to arrive home from a trip they'd taken to England.  I was expecting them in the morning but it was now early evening.  The Queen (??) had called me to asked if they'd arrived home as she'd not received a call from my Mother.  I told her they'd not arrived home yet nor had they called me.Then I said that had I not called by now, I'd have been in trouble.  I received a phone call from a woman with an Indian accent who called to say that a man named John (my Dad) was in and out of consciousness, had asked her to call me, and that he was heading into surgery.  He'd been in a plane crash.  When I asked about my Mom, the lady said she knew nothing about my Mom and that my Dad was in a religious hospital in Toronto. I asked where the crash occurred and she said Toronto Pearson.  I started to yell and the lady hung up.  That is when I started to wail and cry.  It was an awful dream, it felt real and I felt helpless and hopeless.  A few other odd foggy details from the dream are lingering in my mind. Needless to say I woke up and immediately called my Mom, bawling and crying as I told her about my dream. 

My parents are going on a trip together to England this summer. I will have to keep myself very busy and preoccupied on the days they're flying as to not go absolutely mental!

My headache has dissipated enough to watch some TV, check my e-mail and write this post.  What I'm going to do now is drink a tall cold glass of water, take some more drugs, have something to eat, get comfy on the couch and hopefully fall asleep and have a peaceful non-dream night.

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