Sunday, March 11, 2012


Today, the weather is beautiful. I had to take off my jacket on the way home. The sun is shining and there is a refreshing breeze.  The temperature right now at 6:30pm is 16 degrees.  I should want to put on my boots and take Crockett for a long walk. Sadly, I don't.

Melancholy has got a tight grasp on me today.  I have the feeling that at any moment I will start to cry uncontrollably.  It''ll probably make me feel better but I fear the post-cry headache and puffy eyes.

I feel lost. Security is a big thing for me and I don't know why, but lately I feel like I'm standing on a rug that is about to be ripped out from under me. It is a very creepy and scary feeling.

Add melancholy to these feelings and it's tough for me to want to do anything other than just sit somewhere quiet.  But living where I do, there is no quiet. There is always noise. So, what I have done, while I write this is put in my ear buds and listen to Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata.

Thank goodness for Beethoven on a day like today.