Friday, August 5, 2011

Blood Shot Eye

I got home from work today (yay early Friday)
and I felt haggard. The first thing I did was change into my jammies
and lay down for a cuddle with Crockett and a nap.
Well, sadly Crockett wanted nothing to do with me.
 For whatever reason, my eyelids that,
at 12:30pm were so heavy, I could've fallen asleep at my desk,
were suddenly wide awake.

I went into the loo to wash my hands and noticed something weird with my right eye.

What happened?

This has actually happened a few times over the last year or so & it seems
to coincide with my being over tired.

Anything to do with my eyes or blood vessels kinda creeps me out.

Actually, I'm proud to say I got over a weird eye thing recently.
On my old organ donor card, I signed over everything but my eyes.
Even post mortem it would creep me out thinking of anyone touching my eyeballs.

When I just recently registered on the online organ donation site
I said they could have whatever they needed or whatever I was
able to give.....eyes included.

I see a blind lady every once in a while at the subway station
and to imagine getting on a subway without sight - that is so scary. 
If donated eyes give someone the gift of sight,
EVERYONE should register and be an organ donor.

Ok, Adam is out right now so tired or not, I'm going to try
and take a 15 minute power nap before dinner.

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