Monday, April 25, 2016

My Little Corner

I am an over thinker and a worrier. 

When I get stressed, anxious, worried, or just need to calm/quiet my mind, this is where I come, my little corner.

Everyone needs their own space.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Toronto Zoo - Part Four

Here are the last of my photos from Saturday.
She was pacing back and forth as she could hear her cub crying out for her.

The closer they get the more they look brown not white.

Rolling in the grass the way our dog Candy used to roll in anything that stank!

Does seem weird seeing them on grass.

The way this Gorilla was sitting, he looked so  miserable. Like he was killing time in jail. So sad.

Perfect timing - YAWN.

We saw so many of these guys :)


Toronto Zoo - Part Three

Sunday, April 17, 2016

The Toronto Zoo - Part Two

Here are a few of the photos we took with the camera.  I have quite a few more on my phone that I'll post in the Part Three post.

This was no more than 25 paces from where we got off the GO Train at Rouge Hill.

Perfect Spring Weather
Waiting in line to see the Panda Cubs and Mommy.  We waited just over 1 hour.

The boy cub didn't move once. He was in a deep sleep.

Mommy and daughter interacted a lot and were adorable.

Daddy was outside and was also in a deep sleep. We could see he was breathing!
Mom said the leaves were on the ground an inch thick.

Please don't trip & fall!
My favourite animal.

Such a pretty face.

This is the Mommy.  Baby was out between noon-4pm and we missed it :(

The Toronto Zoo - Part One

Mom and I went to the Toronto Zoo yesterday. When we got home we saw the news story and YouTube clip below about a woman who had jumped down by the Tiger enclosure to retrieve a hat.

This person is an idiot. I don't care about the person or their safety, but I do care about the Tiger.  It could have been injured.  Worse, if it had acted as nature intended and the woman got hurt, the Tiger most likely would have had to pay with its life.

Thank goodness I did not see this as I don't think I'd have been able to not reprimand the woman.

When we left to Zoo we agreed that as wonderful as it was to see the Panda cubs, being there was heartbreaking.

As much as I understand all the good Zoos do for breeding and education of endangered species, the animals should not be in those cages/enclosures.

This is the Tiger and the woman jumped down right by the tree above my head to the right.
The woman jumped down in front of this fence about 4 feet left of where I took this photo.

Thursday, April 7, 2016


I really do have a disconnect between what I see when I look in the mirror and what I see in a photograph.

This is me.  Healthier me than the me I was previously. This makes me proud of myself.