Saturday, December 29, 2012

An Orange Boot and More Snow

I chased Crockett around the apartment this morning for 10 minutes trying to get booties on him to go out for a walk.  I caused him great grief and me a sore back.  I got him so worked up he pooped on the floor & ran away into the corner.

I only got one on his back right paw.  I have officially given up, I will not put him through this again!

He was enjoying his walk but I could tell his bootie was bothering him. He kept looking back at it poor monkey.

I took the bootie off and it was as though he smiled. He ran around in the snow with joy.  He has been so extra cute these past few days.  Dogs really do make it difficult to be grumpy.

My Mister Post Dental Surgery

My dear Adam had some dental surgery today.  Upon arrival home and after taking some pretty serious pain medication, he fell fast asleep on the couch.  In between snores, his nose was making noises straight out of video games from the 80's. It sounded like lazer guns!

Please disregard his coughing fit, but he was so loopy he didn't even notice I had the camera in his face!  He was so out of it!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Our Walk

It finally snowed.  It is still nice and white.  The sidewalks have been cleared and we were able to get out before they loaded them up with salt.  Salt and Crockett's paws do not go well together. I love our Crockett.

Crockett and the Snow

Monday, December 24, 2012


It's Dec 24'12.

There is no snow on the ground & we still haven't really had a storm yet to speak of.

I am not complaining at all.

As long as I can take Crockett on walks in this beautiful weather, life is good.

See, no snow.


Watching the birds.


He's going so grey!   He's adorable.

Monday, December 17, 2012

My Blanket and a Pug in a Red Sweater

After practicing my Crochet stitch I got the urge to start a real project.  I am making a Granny Stripe Blanket for our bed.  I've selected a multicolor yarn named Softee Chunky / Summerset Ombre from Bernat.

It has a dusty rose, a lighter pink, a yellow, a green, and a tan color.  I love them all.  I figure it'll take me until the end of January to complete. I hope.

Here it is.  I started it on Friday & this is 5 Balls of yarn so far. It takes about 1 hour to get through 1 ball.
The flash on my camera makes it look brighter than it is.  For my next progress update I'll take a photo of it in natural light.


And just because he is awesome, here is a photo of Crockett in his Christmas sweater.  This is actually Crockett's 1st official piece of dog clothing.  It is too big for him to wear outside.  I bought it for him to sleep in.  We like to sleep with the window open slightly and Crockett always seems to sleep right by the window.  When I wake up in the morning, I'm toasty warm under the covers but Crockett always feels cold.  He's worn it for about an hour so far.  We'll see it it lasts a night.  It might just end up lining his bed to snuggle with.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

W + K

I think they are lovely together.
I am happy they are starting a family.
I hope the world leaves them alone in their joy.
Public service is one thing but they deserve privacy as well.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

I love it, I Love It, I LOVE IT!!

I started reading this book last week:

I LOVE IT!  I'm not even 100 pages in yet.

We don't have HBO so I've not seen any episodes on TV.  I did not know anything about it or the author.  I haven't watched more than a few clips on YouTube. It is a genre I enjoy so I went to Indigo to pick it up to see what all the fuss is about. The fuss, in my opinion, is warranted!  Wow, I am a nerd.

I am off work from Dec 22'12 returning to work Jan 2'12.   Apart from my traditional Lord Of The Rings and Harry Potter marathons, we are going to get Game of Thrones on DVD.


Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Season Has Arrived

I arrived home from work tonight late (7pm), tired, hungry, and ready to drop my bag and turn right around to take Crockett out for a walk.

Adam met me at the door. He had to, I'd hollered his name from the street in the direction of our open window as my keys were sitting in the kitchen on top of the microwave where I left them this morning. He had Christmas music playing.  Santa arrived.

Yearly, Adam decorates the apartment and surprises me with, " Santa came today!"  Thank you my love, it means alot to me & I love how happy it makes you.

The photo below is a ceramic tree Adam's Mother made. To the left is a toilet paper roll, Styrofoam ball head ornament Adam made when he was a kid.  We are nostalgic 'round these parts.

It was EXACTLY what I needed today.  It took awhile for the agitation of the day to leave me but when I finally was able to breathe without awareness, it was wonderful to see all our decorations and get in the Christmas spirit.

We've moved our bedroom out of the front room and it has turned into my very own personal space! Adam has his man cave and I have my craft room!  I still haven't put up any drapes so I went to see what goodies were left in our boxes marked "Christmas Decorations".  This is the result.  I'm hoping it lasts more than 12 hours as I put it up using scotch tape! We'll see.

Happy Christmas.