Saturday, June 30, 2012

Hot Lazy Dreamy Saturday

Happy Birthday Gayle!

Had a bit of a sleep in today.  It was one of those mornings where I woke up at my usual time & started to panic that my alarm didn't go off & that I'd be late for work. That was followed by a few moments of confusion.  Then I remembered what I'd done yesterday and that today was in fact, Saturday.

When I went back to sleep, I had many wonderful dreams.  I've always been a dreamer. I even dream of the same places more than once that exist nowhere but in my dreams.  I try to relay them to Adam as soon as I wake up before the dissipate.

If our bed wasn't so uncomfortable and I didn't have a Pug waiting to go outside, I would have been happy to dream away this Saturday.

I dragged my achy body out of bed, put Crockett's leash on him, grabbed a toonie for a cup of coffee and out we went.  It was hot with a warm wind.  Once I got my coffee at the corner shop, we went across the street into the Parkette and sat on a bench in the shade.

Here are our photos.

In a small tree right across the street from our apartment I heard a bird chirping.  It was a Mama Bird guarding her babies.  On our way home, Mama was gone & 2 little heads were poking out of the nest.  I didn't want to get too close.  I was so disappointed as I took 1 photo of them with their little beaks open waiting for food & when I looked back at the photo, I only got the bottom of the nest.

Crockett having a drink of water. There is a water fountain in the Parkette so I always grab 2 cups when I get my coffee from the corner shop.   He was such a patient sweet lovely dog this morning.  He just sat there & let me enjoy the sky.  His cough is also getting better so he doesn't sound like a honking goose on our walks.

This was the sky as it changed during our sit down on the bench.  Each taken about 4 minutes apart pointing straight up. There was a warm breeze and the sky was moving pretty fast.  I have all the confidence that tomorrow will be a beautiful sunny day as it always is every year for Toronto's amazing Pride Parade!

Happy Pride!!

I wish everyone a safe happy Canada Day long weekend.

Thursday, June 28, 2012


I was almost late to work today because I missed my regular Subway.  I have it timed perfectly so I can stop & get a coffee at Tim's at the station before I hop on my bus. My almost tardiness was totally worth it I think.

The reason; I saw Ants.  Lots of Ants. I'd say it was at least 16 inches square.  I had to take out my camera.
This was at a main intersection ( Yonge & Lawrence) in front of a subway station entrance so I got a few curious glances. Sadly, most people just walked by without noticing the Ants. Their loss.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Lunch With Jean

Met my Mom today for lunch.  We shared a Canadian Breakfast and for dessert, a Butter Tart, a
Crème Brulée, and fruit with Yogurt.

Really, it wouldn't matter what we ate, it was the company I loved :)

Friday, June 22, 2012

A Tough 24 Hours with Crockett & Kennel Cough

Crockett is suffering with Kennel Cough.

Add that to his Pug related Brachycephalic Syndrome - Elongated Pallet, a throat inflammation from all the coughing AND the hot humid weather as of late.....the result is one horribly uncomfortable Pug and one stressed worried Pug Mommy.

Yesterday evening I pulled out the camera to film this to show the Vet.

The second video below was taken in the middle of the night after he'd had many episodes.  One lasted 8 minutes long & it was after that one at 4am that I called the Vet's office.

I left a message stating I'd be at their office door at 8am when they open.

He is comfortable now after getting a super shot & some other meds in him.

Thankfully the humid weather has lifted a bit. It has made for a happier Pug, Pug Mommy & Pug dDaddy.

Saturday, June 16, 2012


It seems they've finally finished doing the renovation on the apartment across the hall.  They've erected a fancy metal sign out front & the rental listings are online.

One word. MENTAL!

I will say that at least the rental listing indicates there's no parking & that hydro & gas are extra, but $1,990/month?  If you can pay that amount in rent, if it is not a short term 1-2 year plan, then you should be paying a mortgage.

I took these below photos today - they are blurry because I was in a rush & felt like I was doing a bad thing by being in the apartment. Why? I don't know. They left it unlocked so....  Didn't they see the movie Pacific Heights?  A squatter could move in over night & boom - that's that!

Sad that they didn't put back the features that are in our unit. They don't even have crown molding.  Another bizarro thing - neither bedroom have a closet & there is only 1 closet in the whole apartment by the entrance.

They have replaced the bathroom & 1 of the bedroom swith an open concept kitchen 
& teeny tiny living room.

A very blurry shot of the kitchen & living room and WOW the floors creak very loud!

This is what I just don't get.  What was the kitchen is now the bathroom that has a door to the hallway.  The fire escape door.  Ours is in our kitchen.  Not to be gross, but I sure hope that when they use the washroom that the hallway doesn't smell like turd. Ugh.  Plus they need to change the glass in that window RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE SHOWER!  That faces Yonge Street.  Just perch yourself on the steps across the street by the mosaic & you can watch the show!

I am not bitter that these apartments are fresh and new.  Ours has more personality & charm. What I am angry about is how since taking ownership of the building and starting the upgrade unit renos, the rest of the bldg has been neglected and has become dusty/dirty.

We went to look at the apartment yesterday in Swansea/High Park and lets just say, that is a post left for another day.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Door Update

Last week I wrote a post HERE about the noise and construction going on in this building, specifically the relocation of the door of Apt #4.

Here's what the hallway looks like today.

We have fire escape doors in our kitchens. I peeked into the apartment today through the fire escape door  and with the changed floor plan, the bathroom is where the kitchen used to be. I'm sorry, but the very LAST thing I want in my bathroom is a fire escape door.  Creepy. 

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Changes are a comin'.  Soon, I will have a new window to look out of.  Hopefully I will also have a balcony to sit on & star gaze.

Adam loves where we live right now. Me, not so much.

For me, it is a 6 out of 10.  To make it a 10 it would need;
  • A balcony
  • To be on the 2nd floor or higher
  • To NOT be on Yonge St with 24/7 traffic out my bedroom window
  • To be less rent with utilities included.

The being so close to a main street is a pain.  The dust/grime that comes in the windows is just brutal. The only thing that lifts the dirt off the window ledges is a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser and those things, as great as they work, scare the crap out of me. It's like a chemical block.

Also, with our front door being as close to the street as it is, we come in with grit on our shoes. I hate that I feel like I need to sweep the floor 3 times a day every day.  The 5 second rule does not apply here.  I can still go to my Mom's and not think twice about eating something I've dropped on the floor.

Add to this all the construction that has been going on across the hall & I'm about to lose my mind.

We have an appointment to see 4 units this week. I'm excited. 

Fingers crossed :)

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Yonge Street Mosaic

Last year in the fall I think, I cannot remember the exact date, I had a post with this photo below. There is a staircase across the street with a wide open canvas for graffiti artists.  Sadly, it's the taggers that deface it.
To me, tagging is not art. Street art graffiti is beautiful.

Last week, the project began on what was going there.
At the top of the staircase is Glenview Presbyterian Church.
They have created a work of art.
It is a mosaic.

It took a few days for them to put it up in sections.
Then they let it cure.
Then they added the grout and voi.
It is beautiful.
 They have different materials, stones, pieces of copper.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Hobbit: Peter Jackson's Seventh Video Blog from the Set

Crockett, Sky, and Flowers

Today is my favorite kind of day. Warm but not too warm. Sunny and windy with the sky filled with big white clouds.  One minute it's sunny, the next, big huge raindrops are falling. 5 minutes later, it's sunny again.

Crockett & I have been in from our walk for no longer than 20 minutes and I can hear birds chirping and thunder rumbling.  The sky is becoming grey and dark and is about to open up.

When I was a kid and it rained (without thunder & lightning) I'd put on my bathing suit and billy boots and run up and down the street. One of my favorite childhood memories.

I had my camera on me & took quite a few of photos. 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

So THAT'S What That Noise Was

We live in a beautiful old 5 storey building with 4 apartments on each level.  It was built in the 20's or 30's. Ownership changed a few months back and upon vacancies, they're gutting the units and renovating. The apartment across the hall has been in a state of disaster since March.

They are working Mon-Fri and making a huge mess of dust, splinters and to me, chaos. Not to mention our laundry room, hallway, our front door, apartment entrance-way and even areas of our living room are covered in a constant layer of fine dust.

To avoid the dust, dirt, and potential exposure to asbestos, I use our fire escape exit. It is a door. I am not crawling in a window.  When I got home today Adam told me to go look in the hallway.

They're moving the location of the apartment door!!! WTF!!!

These aren't the best shots, but you'll get the idea.  It stinks in the hall. It is musty, dusty and awful!  I can't believe they didn't cover up the hole in the wall with plastic. There is particle board up on the inside of the apartment but all the schmutz and crap in the wall is just exposed to the hallway.

It does make complete sense after looking at this what all the noise was yesterday. It sounded like a jack hammer.It was loud. Really loud.

Wooden beams. High ceilings. Our door is at the end on the hall on the left and 
our across the hall neighbors door is right across from ours.   
Look at that gaping hole on the right!

The placement of the new door.  I just can't believe they did this. 
The wall is more than a foot in depth.

Wall guts and schmutz. Stinky, musty, and dusty. 

The view from my front door. Honestly, I don't get it.  I've been inside the apartment, 
I've seen the new floor plan so I get it, I just don't get it.

As much as I love the neighborhood, I have been looking at rentals to move closer to work.  I have to cut down my commute and honestly, living on Yonge Street has lost its charm. Plus, this apartment is very dark. Not a lot of natural light, no balcony and the constant noise noise noise noise.  I need quiet, sun, and to be able to step outside.  Fingers crossed our perfect abode awaits us somewhere.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Internet Therapy

I lost myself today for awhile online.  This photo/quote is EXACTLY how I feel at this very moment.

UPPERCASE - Everything Lovely

Here are a few sites ( links ) I enjoyed:  - Hours can be spent being inspired and entertained.  - Downton Abbey photos and pretty things to make me smile. - Beautiful fashion/art photographs - Something I enjoy. Refurbishing furniture. I have a chair here waiting for attention. - As orange is my first real favorite color. - I'd hang one of these on my wall for sure. - Love her Pug & cat drawings. - Another great artist who loves her cats. - Because nothing makes me feel better than looking at photos and videos of cute animals - especially baby Sloths

Black Cat

To try and rid myself of the foul mood I woke up with today, I took Crockett to the park.  It helped for the 15 minutes we were there & now that I'm back home I'm a misery guts once more.

I do not know how to spend the rest of my day.  I think it'll be reading, napping, cuddling with Crockett and mindless internet browsing. Maybe a John Hughes marathon, maybe not.

We did see something different at the park today. Isn't seeing a black cat some kind of bad omen? Well, it chose the correct day.

Cat listening to birds.


Cat sees human.


Dog doesn't react to cat, couldn't care any less.


Cat sees dog, couldn't care any less.


Cat ate something that tastes funny.