Friday, February 10, 2012

Fight or Flight? Flight.

Adam and Crockett came to meet me at the
bus as they often do, but I had walked home from the station.
Luckily, Crockett stopped for a sniff that resulted in Adam looking
back to see me coming up the hill.
He changed directions & we met in front of the entrance to the park.

There is a bush just inside the entrance near the stairs
that Crockett ceremoniously tinkles on every time he passes it.
Adam & I were talking as Crockett went about his business and
then,  we heard other voices from the other side of the hedges.

A bit of history about afternoon walks in the park;
I once came upon a couple having a bit of a public
romp in the bushes, nudge nudge, wink wink and ever since,
I tend to avoid that corner of the park when alone with Crockett.
Since Adam was with me, my big strong husband and
protector, I didn't feel ill at ease with the voices.

It was a nice walk.
I like it when Adam comes to the park with me.

We had rounded a corner and my eyes scanned
the park looking for the source of the voices,
when I saw it.
A man, alone, in the bushes.
Not sitting on a log or a rock
or anywhere where there is a seat.
Literally, just there, in the bushes.
My heart rate increased and my face felt flushed with fear.

I whispered to Adam, " There's a guy in the bushes."
"Where?" he said.
"There!" I said.

Just as Adam caught a glimpse of him, the guy said, "Nice dog."

Adam looked at me like this,

and said, "Let's get OUT of here."

His expression made me forget my fear for a minute due to my laughing
but then I remembered and we were creeped out and left the park.

Sometimes, I wish Crockett was a Rottweiler.
I'd certainly feel safer walking him alone in the park.