Saturday, December 3, 2011

Radvent 12/3

 I don't think I am a fascinating person.
I don't have a special or unique talent.
I haven't travelled to far off destinations and
I don't have wordly stories to tell.
I don't feel that people are drawn to me in 
social or group situations.

I do however still possess and am filled with fascination.
I am fascinated by many things.
I am interested in many things.
I like to talk about and learn about different things.
I am fascinated by Crockett.
I would love to know, just for 5 minutes, what it is like
to see the world from his dog perspective.
I am fascinated by nature.
I am fascinated by weather and clouds.
I am fascinated by stars.

When I go places, I look at and take in the details.
I'm the person who can leave a room after 5 minutes
and tell you everything that was in that room.
When I look at art or paintings I normally start from the outside in.

I hope I am able to maintain this level of fascination & awe with life as I age.