Monday, May 30, 2011

Alot of Swearing and Birds

Since Saturday, I have been having some
rather disturbing computer issues.

Trojans, Rogues, Malware... Bastards!

I think it's all settled now, but I honestly
get anxious when I hit enter!

I did alot of Yosemite Sam mumbled swearing
and straightout cussing like a sailor.

Now, onto nicer things.
Seagulls to be exact.

Today was a humid hazy day with a bit of a breeze.
There are a few corners in my neighbourhood that
seem to be wind tunnels.
The subway stop corner is one.

I was waiting for the bus home and I looked up
and noticed, higher than normal, a large
flock of seagulls flying and coasting on the wind.

(Too funny, I was trying to think what the correct
term was for alot of seagulls and, if you were a teenager
in the 80's, you understand why I got it!)

I was mesmerized.  They were slowly floating south and
I was hoping they'd be above my place when I got home.
I was lucky and they were.

I took a few shots and it looks like I have dirty specks on my
screen, but if you click on them to enlarge, you can see their wing spans.
The closer up ones were taken with the zoom lens but I
had a really difficult time finding them in the viewer once I'd
extended the lens.

It was really awesome to just stand there on the sidewalk
and look up and see them floating on the breeze so high up.

 Click on the above photo to enlarge - I count 22 Seagulls.
On the photo below, 19 Seagulls!

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