Thursday, March 31, 2011

Physical Labor = Sore Feet

Today, I was volunteered to go with the Sales Guy
to a store to set our 2011 Modular.

We worked on it from 9:00am to 12:30pm.
The actual work was fine.
Take everything off the shelves.
The Sales Guy moved around the shelves.
Put back continuing items, unpack & add new 2011 items.

By the time we left, I was hot, dirty, I had cut my pinkie
and it hurt more than a paper cut, but the worst was the
pain in my feet.
Folks who work on their feet all day are amazing.
I have much admiration for them.
I couldn't do it.
Well, I could do it but I'd be one miserable girl.

Here's our stuff.

My feet are still sore.
I must spend the evening with them up.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

30 Days of Lists: Part V - The End

30 Days have come & gone.
Here are my last lists.

It actually ended with a list that is pretty dull;
Today's To Do.
It's Wednesday...booooring.

It really is a big tomato.
It was the best tasting tomato I've had all winter.

Adam is amazing at selecting the perfect tomato.
About 3 years ago he went into Dominion for a few items
and I stayed outside with Crockett. 
He was taking longer than I figured he should so I peered in the window.
There he was, going through them all one by one, picking out the best ones.
Seeing him do that, as odd as this seems, made me
realize how much he loves me.

He's also great at selecting the perfect avocado & oranges.

Monday, March 28, 2011

30 Days of Lists: Part IV

Only 4 days of lists left :(
March has passed by so quickly!
I really have enjoyed the process.

I'll have to come up with a weekly something that
makes me dig into why I am the way I am and the things
I like the way I like them and why.
How's THAT for a run on sentence!

Here are my Lists from last Week.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Pug Noises

Please ignore the messy bed & exposed mattress, we were
taking a break in between loads of laundry for a snack.

Crockett usually is not a dog snack dog.
The ONLY treats he's ever eaten are these ones given
to him by my Sister In Law this past Christmas.

This is typical Pug nom nom nom noise.


Friday, March 25, 2011

One Of Those Days

We had a return of winter here in Toronto on Wednesday.
To think that Spring was almost here was being a bit too optimistic.
I took this very lazy shot through the bedroom window,
hence the fuzzy screen.

It looks really nice and I don't mind the snow.
It covers up the city dirt.

What I do mind is how much more time it adds to my commute.
On a good day it can take up to 90 minutes.
On Wednesday, I left work at 4:00pm.
By the time I walked through the door, took off my
 coat, boots and changed into something
warm & comfortable, it was 6:45pm.
I also walked through the door in a foul mood and miserable.

Yes, I am a passenger, yes, I can bury my head in a book, but still.
It is exhausting, it is tedious and depending on my fellow
passengers, can be downright hellish.
Wednesday was a 6, with full on hell being a 10.
Lots of teenagers, lots of yelling, laughing and awful
vocabulary, like y'know.
Thank goodness, there were no crying babies.

Adam says I am an old curmudgeon.
The lady that yells at the kids to, 
"Turn it down" and "Get off my lawn".
Easy going I am not. I'll admit it openly.
Every neighbourhood needs a Broom Hilda!

Sadly, I woke up Thursday morning in the same mood from
Wednesday night.  It was just one of those days where
you'd like to turn off the alarm clock and pull the nice warm
covers back up over your head and sleep in.
Sensibility prevailed and I dragged my achy bones and weary soul
out of bed and off to work.

I am very sensitive and emotional but I do not wear my
emotions on my sleeve when I'm at work. 
I can be having the worst day ever and
if someone asks me how I am, I'd smile and say,
"Fine thank you, and you?"
All morning at the office I felt off.
My coffee didn't have enough sugar, the receptionist
called me with the stupidest thing and it took everything
in me not to reply with sarcasm or tone or to say,
"Um and you're telling me this why?"

It's days like these where my mind gets the better of me.
I start to question what it's all about.
Is my existence solely to collect a paycheque, pay the bills and
buy groceries?  Where's the joy?

I'm going to spend my free time this spring and
summer looking for the joy!

I found a furry ball of joy sitting in his bed in the living room.
Poor Crockett had to endure kisses and cuddles from me.
He really is a sweet dog and is a huge source of joy in our life.
Thank Dog!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Procrastination is a B*tch.

We bought a clock from Ikea over 2 years ago.
It is still sitting in Adam's fortress of solitude in the packaging.

This book was also purchased as a joke but not.
In fact, the book was purchased LONG before the clock.
The book has not been read. By either of us.

 I think these 2 items are an appropriate
symbol for the time we've let pass the last couple of years.

Keep Calm and Let's Get Stuff Done!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Wonder Woman!

I purchased this note book some time ago.
I was saving it.
I thought of giving it to my niece Abby, but the prude I am
 thinks Wonder Woman is too sexy for a 6 year old.
(Don't even get me started on those whore dolls The Bratz!)

I will use it for the next List Project I
participate it.

Seriously, I loved Wonder Woman when I was a kid
and I love her now.
Linda Carter is still one of the most beautiful women ever.

The pages in this book are awesome.
Here are just a few.

I always wanted an invisible plane.

I think this one looks like Sophia Loren. Love the boots!

Truth Lasso and Bullet Deflecting Cuffs.
They have a new Wonder Woman TV show coming out.
I will give it a watch. 
If I could, if I had the rack for it, I would
dress as Wonder Woman & go to Comic-Con.

Yes, I am a nerd.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I love Classical Music.

However, I've never been a lover of Opera.
I went to an Opera with my parents once and unfortunately spent most
of my time reading the subtitles to understand the story 
rather than taking in and feeling the music.

Like any other person of my generation, the only Opera
I am completely familiar with are those that Mel Blanc
loved and set Bugs Bunny cartoons to.
Seriously, who can hear the Barber of Seville & not picture
Bugs working on Elmer Fudd in a barber's chair.

 Sunday nights on Toronto Classical 96.3fm is Opera night.

This past Sunday I was in the kitchen baking with the radio on and
was enjoying it so much that when I went to go into my room
to check e-mail, I turned on my dinky clock radio.

The only sound that normally emits from this thing is the
WAH WAH WAH of the alarm.

A song came on and within the first 5 notes I was enraptured.
It wasn't familiar at first.
I couldn't move. I just sat here still.

As these words came belting out of my little radio,
tears were streaming down my face;

Ridi, Pagliaccio,
sul tuo amore infranto!

Now, had I heard that in an Opera House, I'd be, no doubt,
weeping uncontrollably.

I don't know what this Opera is about, no idea at all.
I soon will, as I'm going to take a trip to the Toronto Library
and find me a book on it to do me some learnin'!

Here is a link. Click on it & listen to the version that did me in.

Post Note: Oh....upon looking this up, I don't think I can go & see this Opera.
I suffer from Coulrophobia.
Not really, Clowns just really freak me out :(

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Another Walk in the Park

I'm looking forward to the Spring.
As much as I love our park next door, I'm looking forward to
going with proper walks with Crockett around the neighbourhood.

We had an okay walk on Saturday afternoon.
It was a clear day but a bit windy.
The park was wet & mushy.

Crockett's nails have become a bit too long so we need to hit
the pavement to work them down.
I can't clip them myself. I've tried.
He's too squirmy & fights back too much.
I'm sure I've written that when he had an ear infection a while
back I had to take him to the vet daily for his drops.
We couldn't put drops in 2 ears, imagine trying to clip
nails on 10 little toes.

Big Blue Sky.  Can you see the plane?
Click on the photo to make it bigger - you'll see it.

This is the last of the snow in the park.

From out of nowhere came Max the Frenchie.
Crockett doesn't dig Max as he's a super butt sniffer.

 I have to poke Max to get his face out of Crockett's business.

 Crockett just stood there on the stairs waiting for Max to leave.
Like a newbie in jail fearing entering the showers.

 Crockett keeping his right eye on Max while looking at me with his left.

I wish I could know what he's thinking. Just for 5 minutes.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

SuperMoon Saturday

I love looking up at the sky.
Living in the city with all the lights, I miss seeing the stars in all their glory.
I loved when we had the blackout 7 years ago.
It was a beautiful hot clear night - perfect for seeing every star.

One day, when I have a balcony or a backyard, I will buy a telescope.

I took a bunch of photos but the majority came out blurry.

My youtube video is jerky & all over the place, for that I apologize.
If you pause at 0:36 you can see the craters.
I swear, while out there, in the middle of the park, I heard a MOOOO.
I think I just missed the cow :)

Here are a few other blurry shots :)

Friday, March 18, 2011

New Favorite Things

I love Oatmeal and Porridge.
They are 2 different things to me.
Oatmeal is what I eat for breakfast with a bit of brown sugar.
Porridge is a late night snack with milk and brown sugar.

I've never been a big fan of instant Oatmeal that you
add 1/2 cup of boiling water in a mug.
I don't like the added chemical-y flavours.

Tim Horton's have had an Oatmeal on their menu for a short while
and it truly is fantastic. They have 2 selections;
Mixed Berry
I like the Maple.
So much so that I've had it for breakfast everyday Monday-Friday
since the beginning of December.

I've tried a few different brands the last little while to find one,
other than Old Mill/Robin Hood, that I like.

There are 2 that I like that are completely different from each other.

1. McCann's Quick Cooking Irish Oats

It says to cook for 1 minute then let sit. I prefer to
cook it for about 3 minutes and then let sit.
Excellent texture, full taste.

2. Blue Menu Steel Cut Oats

Completely different taste.
This is a true stand in front of the oven and stir
non-stop for 10 minutes.
This makes fantastic thick porridge.

I could seriously eat either of these every day.
Comfort food AND good for me :)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

To Beard or Not To Beard

I spoke to Adam Wednesday before I left work and asked
him to meet me to run errands, he said he couldn't
because he looked different.   Huh??
When I got home & walked through the door, I saw this:

Blue Steel with a twist  :)

After a good 5 minutes of laughter and taking numerous photos of his
half bearded face, I went back out to run the errands on my own.
 When I returned home, he'd done the, what I call, Douche-Bag chin.
Instead of calling me Joanne or honey, he called me GIRL.
He then stated quite matter of fact that he had to go get his eyebrows
waxed & get a spray tan.

I was waiting for him to start belting out some NKOTB, BSB or N'Sync.
It didn't happen.
Instead, he shaved.

I love his beard.
It's been less than 24 hours since he shaved and
he already has a 5 o'clock shadow :)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Just Because

I love Adam

Post Edit:  I changed the photo because apparently my laptop
is the only screen where the original photo wasn't a black square.

This is my 2nd favorite kiss shot.
One of Adam's gifts to me......laughter.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Daylight Savings and Spring Break

Daylight Savings Time makes me happy.
Sure it's dark again when I leave the house in the morning,
but that will only be the case for a few more weeks.

Looking East 6:45am

A few moments after I shot this something caught my eye.
A Rabbit was hopping/running from the park across Yonge street!
I had about 10 seconds of extreme stress as cars were coming.
I would be a mess if I saw a Rabbit get run over.
The little critter got across safe. Phew!

Spring Break has made me happy as it's reduced the amount of traffic
and taken at least 30 minutes off my commute!
That gets a WHOOO HOOO!!!

Today, I got home early and Crockett and I hit the pavement.

See that! 5:15pm!

I have to stay away from the park for awhile due to the ice/mud
that is in abundance so, went for a walk around the block.

A house just across the street & next to the Church is up for Sale.
I took a photo of the Real Estate Broker's Site.
This is what $1,245,000.00 will get you in my neighbourhood.

We continued our walk and Crockett did something that
has always made me smile;

He will walk up to a bush and smell every leaf.
I don't know if he enjoys the scent of nature or if the leaves are
covered with another dogs' calling card, if you know what I mean.
Either way, it's adorable.

We made our way home, but not without a bit of socializing.

Crockett was very bouncy and wanted to play.
Little white fluffy dog just wanted to sniff Crockett's backside so,
I bid the kind lady and her butt sniffing dog a good evening.

We finished our walk and it was still light out.

Monday, March 14, 2011

30 Days of Lists: Part II

Here's this past weeks lists.

I'm really enjoying this :)