Wednesday, April 29, 2015

That's Nice.

I've never been one to have quotes on posters pinned to my walls, or to repeat phrases to myself in the morning like Stuart Smalley, but when I read this quote, it made me smile.

"When you smile about the life you live, you 
end up living a life worth smiling about."
- Unknown

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Close One Door, Open a New Door

These past 6 months have been full of change. Not all good, not all bad, just change.  I am not really a fan of unplanned or forced change.

Life without Crockett is not the same. We miss our sweet boy. We will have Dogs again as life is so much better with them, but it will be at least a year until we are ready.

I wouldn't say that at 46, I've experienced a full on midlife crisis.  I'll call it more of a midlife review. I said to my Mom on the phone the other day that I spent the 1st quarter of my life blissfully unaware, the 2nd quarter of my life existing, sometimes aware, most of the time not. This second half of my life is going to be different. Full of awareness, purpose, and action.

There are things I have always wanted to do, to do again, to try, and for whatever reason or excuse, just never did.

The focus for the next however-long, will in no way be about my job or career.  That may sound foolish as I spend the majority of my life at work.  At the moment I have an 8to4 that while not ideal for many reasons, is for a lot of other reasons. I am not in a place where I want to, or am able to make any changes.  That does not mean that down the road this won't change. I know it will. It is the hours I am not at work that are my priority. Time for some living, not just existing.

I am off work until Monday. This time off has been spent organizing and implementing changes in our lives. Mostly pertaining to health, diet, and exercise.

Onward and upward.