Or, I should say I'm not a night owl.
I am enjoying walking more, getting my body moving, and being more active.
I have also over the last 18months become much more self aware and mindful.
When dealing with stress, I shut down, seek out potato chips, buy too much coffee from Starbucks (decaf non-fat latte with 1 sugar free vanilla shot is my current crutch), and fall asleep between 8-9pm.
The last month or so has been a high stress time, I'd say a good 9 out of 10.
Stress is part of life and I need to learn how to better cope with it, but what I have realized is that as far as working out goes, I need to do it in the morning. Get it done, get it out of the way, feel better, and let the benefit of it last throughout the day.
I know this is a
real long time ago, but in grade 10 & 11 I had gym for homeroom. I honestly contribute starting every school day with 1 hour of exercise as a major factor as to why I didn't put weight on back then. I ate too much junk food, like I always did, but wow did I work it off.
As soon as I graduated high school and stopped being so active both with gym class, school sports, swimming, skating, etc, the weight slowly and faithfully started to go up.
I have a weekend routine that I'm not willing to change because of just how much joy it brings me, and that is taking Loki for our early morning walks. I'll have to figure out what to do and when on Saturdays to get a work out in, as Sunday will always be a my day off.
The good thing is I recognize these things and make the required adjustments rather than getting frustrated and just say "f*ck it" and give up.
Me and my sweet pup Loki with a derpy tongue at the end of our very long walk yesterday morning. |